Young people under the occupation

16 May 2018


The Second World War had an impact on every Pole’s life. The founding of the Polish Underground State (Polskie Państwo Podziemne), which included civil and military elements and ran political, social and cultural activities, was a phenomenon on a global scale.  

A very important operation was the creation of secret education for youth. Officially the education ended at primary school and could only be continued at vocational school. Warsaw was the largest centre of secret teaching. 



Identity card issued by the vocational school (Fachschule) for Bogdan Kajak







Brave and young, they stood up in defence of their homeland and made the largest underground army in occupied Europe. 

Despite the fact that they were of different ages or had a different background, they were connected by the same purpose – to defeat the occupier and give Poland its independence back. The best example of fighting young people were the scouts of Związek Harcerstwa Polskiego (Union of Polish Scouting), which for the war time had the code name “Szare Szeregi” (Grey Ranks). 













Bogdan Kajak – the hero of our project – was a typical young man who had an ambition to study. The only way was secret teaching. The Institute of National Remembrance (IPN) gave us the documents which confirm that Bogdan Kajak participated in secret lessons. His group met in his house at 8/10 Nowy Świat street. 



A fragment of a letter from Pawiak prison.  





Unfortunately, he had to pay for studying during the occupation with his life. He was arrested with other students and put in Pawiak prison, and then transported to the concentration camp KL Auschwitz. We know from the x-ray records in the camp hospital that he died of pneumonia. However, we cannot trust this information as the majority of deaths were attributed to pneumonia or heart attacks. In fact, many died of starvation, infectious diseases or as a result of torture. 


From the records of prisoners admitted to KL Auschwitz, it follows that he was a student (German: Schuler) (from the archives of IPN) 










The death certificate of student (German: Schuler) Bogdan Kajak issued by KL Auschwitz 6.08.1941 (from the archives of IPN)